Up-Coming Development Works at MSD Animal Health – Your Neighbour
In New Zealand, MSD Animal Health has a wide range of products and services that help veterinarians, pet owners and farmers care for their animals. Some of those products are manufactured here in Upper Hutt.

The site needs to undergo further development of its plant to meet growing animal care demand. Our plans involve construction works around the site over the next few years, so we wanted to keep you, our close neighbours, informed of what’s coming up.
We understand the construction project will at times cause disruption and we hope to keep this to an absolute minimum. We are looking forward to working closely with you to ensure your questions and any concerns are quickly addressed. As our closest neighbours you are important to us and we appreciate your ongoing support.
The works will be closely monitored to ensure it is all carried out safely and within the limits of our Council consents. We encourage anyone with concerns to make contact so we can discuss them.
Most of the construction work will be carried out around the large production building at the Shakespeare Ave end of the site (shown in the picture below) although there will be some minor works near the site entrance at 33 Whakatiki St.
Work on the site is expected to commence in the next month or so, starting with earthworks and concrete works, which will run for three or four months. The remaining construction activity will run through 2021 and 2022. Working hours will generally be between 7:00 am and 5:30pm weekdays with Saturday work occasionally being required.
Nature of the Work
There will initially be excavation and boring machinery operating at the north eastern end of the production building, followed by concreting and construction activities for two new buildings through 2021. Further excavation and earthworks will be carried out in the centre of the site and the boundary fence will be extended out to the road through what is now 29 and 31 Whakatiki St to create more parking on site. Trucks delivering building materials and taking away soil will use a dedicated site entrance off Whakatiki St with traffic management plans put in place as required. We are planning the work to limit disruption for our neighbours; when it does occur, we will give you additional notification in advance.

Further Information
Visit our website at MSD Animal Health https://msd-animal-health.co.nz
If you would like to know more about the activities we are planning on the site you can get in touch with Yee Li on 439 1900. Your enquiries and feedback are welcome.